Partner with Us

Share the gospel | Impact foster families | Raise up Leaders

Partner with us as we impact lives, encouraging one soul at a time. The core mission of Reeves Initiative Ministries is to spread the message of salvation through Jesus Christ across the globe. Our goal is to introduce people to the authentic Jesus – relatable, empathetic, joyful – the Jesus that Peter and Joanna love and embraces. With an unwavering commitment, Peter and Joanna are dedicated to ensuring that individuals from every corner of the world get the chance to experience Jesus. As RI continues to affect positive change, we invite you to consider joining our visionary journey.

Current Projects

The Rausch Family

The Rausch family is in the final stages of adopting their baby boy! We would love to help them finish paying some remaining legal fees!

Goal is $4,000! We have already raised $2,500 towards this goal, so $1,500 more.

The Anonymous Family

A sweet family we came in contact with (name remaining anonymous) had taken in an 11 year old boy with special needs. Their own children are in high school and older but they felt the Lord ask them to raise this sweet boy as long as he needs a home. Both parents work and they need to sign their foster son up for a summer camp that is specially for kids with special needs. We want to pay for him to attend this all summer so his parents can work and not worry!

Goal is $1,800.

The McGinnis Family

The McGinnis family has been foster parents to 15 kids in the last 5 years! They have adopted 2 boys from foster care and currently are fostering 2 little girls. They need new car seats as their current ones are about to expire. Will you help us provide four brand new car seats for them?

Goal is $900.

Become A Partner Today

  • What is is a digital giving tool that enables churches and ministries of all sizes to offer secure donations from anywhere, at any time.

  • Where does the money go?

    All donations go to empowering the Reeves Initiative to help people encounter Jesus and practically and financially aiding families that participate in foster care and adoption.

  • Can I issue Donor Tax Statements?

    Yes! It’s easy to generate elegant donor statements for any date range in our giving platform. You can save some money and deliver them by email or print them for mailing.

  • Is secure?

    All financial information is encrypted and stored by’s banking partner to PCI DSS Level 1 compliant standards. PCI DSS Level 1 compliance is a set of rules stated by credit card companies and audited by an independent third party. It is the highest possible rating one can get in the electronic payment processing industry.

Joanna and I extend our heartfelt gratitude to you for your invaluable contribution to spreading the Gospel globally. With your unwavering backing, we form a powerful alliance dedicated to winning souls for God. Since our inception in 2014, we've been humbled by the steadfast support of individuals like you, who have stood by us, propelling our mission to reach those in need. Your partnership reassures us that we're not alone in fulfilling the Great Commission, and for that, we are truly blessed.